Doing A Virtual Holiday Party This Year?
@charlesdeluvio on Unsplash
Lots of people are going to be having “virtual holiday parties” this year. I’m going to be doing the same since I’m not traveling East this Holiday Season. We’ll see if we have our annual karaoke competition…
Here’s a few tips on how to make your “virtual” party a success:
1.Send out invites. Plan in advance what platform you'll use (Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime) and make sure your older or less tech-savvy family members know how to use the program.
2.Make an agenda or schedule. Plan some games or have some time to remember old memories or bring up old stories! Zoom is actually removing their 40 minute limit this week and next.
(Bustle, The Bash, and Elite Daily all have articles with tons of ideas!)
3. Keep it short. Like maybe do dinner while on the call together or open presents at the same time.
4. Make sure everyone knows about the mute button. You don’t want to do a virtual call and it’s just a ton of background noise.
5. Take pictures or screenshots. These will be some good “Memories” and “"On This Day” to pop up on your social media in the future!
Read more on hosting a virtual Holiday party here. (Huffington Post)