Where, Why, and WHAT THE HAY??? What is going on with these crazy laws in Idaho? Here are the Top 10 Goofiest and Nuttiest laws right here in the Gem State.

  1. It is against the law to live in a dog kennel (or house) unless you're a dog.

  2. In Idaho Falls, it illegal to ride a motorcycle if you're over 88.

  3. It’s illegal to ride a merry-go-round on a Sunday.

  4. Selling an "Idaho Deluxe" potato with rot, blemishes, or sun damage can get you sent to jail for up to six months.

  5. In Pocatello, you are required by law to smile.

  6. In Eagle, it is illegal to sweep dirt from one's house into the street.

  7. The state of Idaho forbids you from fishing off the back of a camel.

  8. According to the "Mayhem" section of Idaho Code, cannibalism is also illegal unless it is necessary to survive.

  9. Snakes have been banned from biting humans on a Sunday - except when it’s snowing.

  10. Lawyers must NOT charge widows a fee for moving their piano from one room to another.


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