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I remember raising my babies. The tough times, the laughs, the injuries, sickness, successes… all of it. I remember it like it was yesterday. Now, my babies are raising babies of their own. This is one of those little guys. Ryder is two-years-old. He means more to me than I can articulate. Anyone with kids or grandkids could speak to what I mean.

Ryder was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when he was just six-months-old. That’s been a MAJOR challenge in itself. Constantly checking his blood/sugar level. Making sure he eats what he’s supposed to and doesn’t eat what he’s not supposed to. Dealing with the emotional ups and downs and there’s so much more. Ryder just tested positive for COVID last week and all those challenges just went through the roof. It’s like they’re on steroids.

I didn’t realize that November is Diabetes Awareness Month until I saw my daughter’s post on Facebook. I’d like to share what she posted…

“November is Diabetes Awareness month! It’s now been a year and half since Ryder was diagnosed. To say that it’s been easy would be a lie. Having a little boy that can’t really communicate how he is feeling when his levels go crazy is tough. Waking up multiple times throughout the night to check him is tough. Not being able to have just anyone watch our kids because they would have to know how to take care of Ryder is tough. The cost for all he needs to live is tough. I am lucky to have support in my family with him. But I definitely think this kid once a year deserves a shout-out for what he has to face for the rest of life. For those that are diabetic, YOU FREAKING ROCK!”

I know what you’re thinking. What a cool mama! Yep. She is THE coolest of the cool. Ryder has no idea how lucky he is to have her as his mom but he will someday.

I know a lot of you are going through so much this year. Physically, mentally, and in so many other ways. Keep fighting the fight. This will end. I have no idea when but I know each of us is going to appreciate every morsel of life so much more. We already do. Oh, and below is Ryder now. He’s feeling much better. Getting through his COVID, quarantined with his family who cannot leave home through the Thanksgiving holiday but it’s okay. They have each other. They love each other. And there’s a different kind of beauty in that itselt.




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