Boise Couple Left Dangling Over Malad Gorge Now Homeless

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Steve and Nicki Cunningham found themselves hanging at a180 degree angle from the Malad Gorge earlier this week. Stranded for 68 minutes above an 80 foot drop, the couple watched some of their most precious belongings fall from their truck.

What many didn’t know when this story first broke was that the couple has been calling that truck and trailer home. With their “mobile home” destroyed by the crash, they are now facing homelessness.

Steve told KTVB "It was very windy and what happened was, and everybody knows that gorge, when that wind starts kicking up out there it can be very dangerous and we'd driven that quite a few times never had a problem, this time just happened to, it's just the wind hit it wrong and, you know, I couldn't get it under control,"

Nicki said she grabbed her phone and took a picture because “nobody was gonna believe that's us hanging over this, looking at all our stuff dropping out of our trailer and our truck and that's our stuff and we could be down there any minute not knowing if we were going to fall through or what,"

Steve and Nicki say they are very grateful to be alive and of course they are grateful that their two dogs survived as well. Huge thanks to the Magic Valley Paramedics and a quick-thinking truck driver who attached stronger chains to the safety chain between the truck and trailer to keep the truck from falling until emergency crews were able to get there in time.

If you would like to donate, here is the link to the Cunningham’s Go Fund Me Account.


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