Alaska Airlines Has Made Some Revisions To Their Support Animal Policy
Image by Mabel Amber from Pixabay
Alaska Airlines is one of the more popular airlines to fly out of Boise with their non-stop flights around the Northwest and West Coast… which is a plus if you hate layovers and just want to get to your destination asap.
Earlier this month, the Department of Transportation shared their final rules on traveling by air with animals, which states Emotional Support Animals no longer need to be accommodated by airlines in the same category as trained Service Animals.
Today, Alaska Airlines revised their service animal policy which will ban emotional support animals from planes after February 28th of 2021.
Small pets (small dogs, cats, rabbits, birds etc) will still be allowed in the cabins. Service animals will definitely be accommodated
Accord to the Department of Transportation, a service animal is defined as “a pet that is trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability.”
Over the years, people have literally travelled with turkeys, kangaroos, and pigs and it cause a lot of disruption for flights!
Have you ever traveled with your pets? How was the experience?
Read more about Alaska airlines changing their Emotional Support Animal Policy here. (Forbes)